Wednesday, January 28, 2009



waste time on those who aren't willing to waste their time on you.

check out the rig on her



best book

oh and who can forget this bestseller...??

Ozzie Wright...

Surfs like he skateboards.. dig it

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Most people...

....never use their initiative because nobody told them to.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


A good new years resolution courtesy of Breen..

Dont let peoples views and opinions of others influence your views and opinions.

Haircut steez..

Band wagon..

...I'm clearly on it.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The best place in the world...

Photographer: Christian Fletcher

A poem Big Tarp wrote me..

Little Tarp

You are the glow in my eye

Your beautiful poem made me cry

You have many talents you don’t know

But when you find them we can watch you grow

You ride the waves lying down

All the boys love to see you groove around town

You love chico men

Maybe you next champy will be called Ben

Peace out little one

Have lots of fun


A poem I wrote Big Tarp

Big tarp..

You make me want to learn the harp..

Cause then I could seduce you//

And by that I mean become you

Cause then I would have a talent and a skill

Unlike the ones I have now which are dead or ill

And I would be the coolest on the block

And I might even get some…. c…c…champy

Cause it is the year of reckless abandon

Come with me on my band wagon

As you know what they say big tarp

Carpe (diem)

Top Three Skills I wish I could just wake up with

1. Skateboard like Rodney Mullen
2. Play guitar
3. Surf stand-up

Exhibit B


Top Five Bands/Musicians of the Moment

1. Radiohead
2. Neil Young
3. Thrice
4. Ladyhawke
5. Hot Water Music


Top 5 Flat Day Fun

1. Jumping off stuff (i.e. rocks/bridges) into the ocean
2. Dolphining (mousies is the best for this)
3. Badmington
4. Mel & Daps ski
5. Exercise (never thought id admit to this one)

...and photography in general...

whale carcass somewhere in Hillarys. This image is unreal..
Photographer unknown (again sorry)

...and black and white photography..

Photographer unknown (sorry)

I have an obsession with Banksy...

Exhibit A (probably my favourite)

It's the year of...

reckless abandon.

life is fickle.